Thursday, April 25, 2013

Indonesia’s Achievements in the International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) 2013

20th Anniversary International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS), Surya Institue in Lombok-Bali, Indonesia, 15-22 April 2013

Congratulation, to Indonesian and all young scientists from all around the world :D

ICYS' 20th anniversary will also be marked by cultural programs amongst the participants.  Each participating country will go onstage for approximately 5 minutes and present either a dance, a song, a poem, a story, a short language lesson, a film about their culture, or anything that could represent something specific from their country.  This is not obligatory, but the least we expect is that everyone come, wearing something from their country, whether in full national dress, or even just a hat, scarf, or any kind of accessory which is specific of their country. This performance will be part of the 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ICYS program on the 18th of April 2013 at 19.00-21.00 hr. 

Performance from :
  1. Poland                             8.  Germany
  2. Romania                         9.  Serbia
  3. Turkey                           10.  Czech Republic
  4. The Netherlands          11.  China
  5. Russia                            12Indonesia
  6. Brazil                              13.  Hungary
  7. Croatia                          14.  Singapore

Dua "ilmuwan muda" Indonesia, Mariska Grace dan Melody Grace Natalie, menyabet masing-masing satu medali emas dalam ajang International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) di Sanur, Denpasar, Sabtu (20/4/2013) malam. Selain dua emas, Indonesia juga meraih satu medali perak melalui M Arifin Dobson, serta dua medali perunggu oleh Avip N Yulian dan Putu Handre K Utama.

     Mariska Grace yang berasal dari SMAK Cita Hati menjadi yang terbaik dalam kategori Enviromental Science dengan karya ilmiahnya berjudul "a Novel Approach in Using Peanut Shells to Elliminate Content in Water". Dalam karya ilmiahnya ini, Mariska memanfaatkan kulit kacang untuk mengurangi kadar ion tembaga di dalam air.

Sementara Melody Grace Natalie, siswa Stella Duce I Yogyakarta yang bertarung dalam bidang Life Science berhasil memukau juri dalam presentasi karya ilmiahnya berjudul "Potencial of Squid Eye Lenses as UV Absorber". Melody memanfaatkan mata cumi untuk melindungi kulit dari bahaya sinar ultraviolet.

"Saya membuat sunblock yang bisa dibuat simpel oleh nelayan sehingga nelayan bisa terhindar dari kanker kulit", ujar Melody Grace, menjelaskan hasil penelitiannya yang menjadi satu dari 12 pelajar Indonesia yang harus bersaing bersama dengan pelajar-pelajar dari 23 negara yang terpisah.

          Selain itu, M. Arifin Dobson (SMAN 3 Bandung) juga turut menyumbangkan satu perak dalam kategori Applied Physics lewat penelitiannya yang berjudul "EcoSol Solar Thermal Collector – Sun Harvester " oleh Muhammad Arifin Dobson dari

        Dua medali perunggu lainnya diraih Avip N. Yulian (SMA 2 Kudus) dari kategori Apllied Physics dan Putu Handre K. Utama (SMAN Bali Mandara) dari kategori Mathematics lewat penelitiannya masing-masing yang berjudul "Ocean Waves Energy to Generate Electrical Power in an Island with Steep Cliff Coast" dan "Mathematics and Statistics to Prove the Mythology of Caka Calendar".

        Special Award for Serious Global Thinking in Theoretical Physics diraih oleh Yassironi M. (SMAN 1 Yogyakarta) dengan penelitian "Analysis of Force Increase at Fluid Flow Based on Bernoulli Principle".
   Stephanie Salim (Chandra Kusuma School) mendapatkan Special Award for The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenter in Environmental Science lewat penelitiannya "Banana Peel: Isn’t A Waste, It Can Be Served on Your Dining Table". Sedangkan  Jaler S. Maji (SMAN 6 Yogyakarta) meraih Special Award for Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science lewat penelitiannya "Visualization of Children Traditional Game".

   Menurut Pimpinan Tim Indonesia, Janto Sulungbudi target yang diharapkan bukanlah medali melainkan untuk menciptakan peneliti-peneliti muda Indonesia."Medali yang diraih tim Indonesia pada kompetisi tahun ini telah mencapai target untuk itu, kami akan tetap berupaya mengembangkan iklim meneliti di Indonesia termasuk Bali, " ujarnya  (20/4/13) April di Denpasar, Bali.

       Sementara President of Local Orgaizing Comitte ICYS 2013 - Monika Raharti, yang sebelumnya menargetkan sapu bersih emas, tetap bangga pada ilmuwan Indonesia meski hanya meraih dua emas. "Kita patut berbangga hati, persaingan tahun ini cukup berat, banyak presentasi karya ilmiah dari negara lain yang bagus", kata Monika

  Masing-masing peserta mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya selama 10 menit dan dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab dengan juri internasional selama 5 menit. Persaingan di antara peserta sendiri cukup berat karena banyak presentasi karya ilmiah peserta-peserta dari negara lain yang juga cukup bagus. Meski demikian, para peserta dari Indonesia tetap merasa yakin dan percaya diri atas upaya inovasi penelitian mereka yang tidak hanya menitikberatkan pada hal-hal yang bersifat modern.

       Saingan terberat dari Indonesia dalam ajang ini datang dari Polandia, Jerman, Rusia, dan sejumlah negara Eropa Timur lainnya. Setelah Indonesia sukses menjadi tuan rumah tahun ini, rencananya ICYS 2014 akan diselenggarakan di Ukraina

        Penghargaan tersebut diserahkan kepada pemenang pada acara penutupan ICYS 2013 di Grand Bali Beach  disaksikan secara langsung oleh Kabid Dikmen Disdikpora Bali, I Wayan Serinah.

ICYS adalah kegiatan ilmiah yang diprakarasai oleh Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest Hungaria dan Belarussian State Univeristy Minks, Belarusia. Acara ini sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1994 dan diikuti oleh negara-negara Eropa, Amerika, Afrika dan Asia.

          International competitions play an important role in the education of highly talented secondary school students opening new possibilities to extend their knowledge in sciences. 

          There are many types of competitions, the International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) is a special type of individual competition, in physics, mathematics, computer science and ecology for 14-18 year-old secondary school students. Every participant has to prepare a research report on a subject chosen by herself/himself from any part of the above mentioned sciences. The language of these ten-minute reports is English and an international jury evaluates and rewards the presentations. 
6 catagories of  competitions :
1.  Theoretical Physics
2.  Applied Physics
3.  Matheatics
4.  Computer Science
5.  Environmental Science
6.  Life Science.
Every year generally 60-70 lectures are delivered in 4 section on the Conference. This kind of competitions has importance in teaching the students:
  • to do research work,
  • to present and discuss their own results,
  • to formulate research reports,
  • to give presentation in foreign languages.

       Perhaps most of the participating students will later become students at various universities and will be researchers reporting at scientific conferences (for instance like this one), this first appearance may be a decisive factor in their future scientific career.

Congratulation, young scientists!

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia

Congratulation, young scientists!

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia

Congratulation, young scientists!

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia

Reference :

Mariska Grace and Melody Grace Natalie, Indonesia’s young scientists just won a gold medal each in the International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) in Sanur, Denpasar, on Saturday (20/04/2013). Furthermore, Indonesia also won the silver medal through M Arifin Dobson, and bronze medals by Avip N Yulian and Putu Handre K Utama. These gold achievements came after Mariska’s scientific work entitled A Novel Approach in Using Peanut Shells to Eliminate Content in Water and Natalie’s on The Potential of Squid Eye Lenses as UV Absorber. Mariska Grace, student of SMAK Cita Hati, won in the Environmental Science category after her work that uses peanut shells to reduce the levels of copper ions in the water. Meanwhile, Melody, student of Stella Duce I Yogyakarta, got the medal in the category Life Science for her scientific work on the use of squid’s eyes to protect the skin from dangerous Ultra Violet. “I made a sun block that can be made simply by the fishermen so that fishermen can avoid skin cancer,” Melody Grace explained her research. In addition with those achievements, M Arifin Dobson (SMAN 3 Bandung) also contributed one silver medal in the category of Applied Physics through research, EcoSol Solar Thermal Collector – Sun Harvester. And bronze medals were achieved by Avip N Yulian (SMA 2 Kudus), in the Applied Physics category for Ocean Waves Energy to Generate Electrical Power in an Island with Steep Cliff Coast and Putu Handre K Utama (SMA Bali Mandara) in the Mathematics category for Mathematics and Statistics to Prove the Mythology of Caka Calendar. Not only that, Indonesia also got 3 Special Awards, such as Special Awards for Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics, Special Awards for The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenters in Environmental Science and Special Awards for Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science. These special awards were achieved by Yassironi M from SMAN 1 Yogyakarta with Analysis of Force Increase at Fluid Flow Based on Bernoulli Principle (Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics), Stephanie Salim from Chandra Kusuma School with Banana Peel: Isn’t A Waste, It Can Be Served on Your Dining Table (The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenter in Environmental Science) and Jaler S Maji from SMAN 6 Yogyakarta with Visualization of Children Traditional Game (Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science). Eventhough the President of Local Organizing Committee of ICYS 2013, Monika Raharti who previously targeted a clean sweep of gold medals, still proud of Indonesian young scientists despite only won two gold medals. “We should be proud, this year the competition is quite tough, many good presentations of scientific work from other countries,” Monika explained. Toughest rival of Indonesia in this event came from the Polish, German, Russian and some other Eastern European countries. After Indonesia successfully hosted International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) 2013, this annual international competition on science will be held again next year in Ukraine. Congratulation, young scientists! (AY –,, feature image: Surya Institute,

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia
Mariska Grace and Melody Grace Natalie, Indonesia’s young scientists just won a gold medal each in the International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) in Sanur, Denpasar, on Saturday (20/04/2013). Furthermore, Indonesia also won the silver medal through M Arifin Dobson, and bronze medals by Avip N Yulian and Putu Handre K Utama. These gold achievements came after Mariska’s scientific work entitled A Novel Approach in Using Peanut Shells to Eliminate Content in Water and Natalie’s on The Potential of Squid Eye Lenses as UV Absorber. Mariska Grace, student of SMAK Cita Hati, won in the Environmental Science category after her work that uses peanut shells to reduce the levels of copper ions in the water. Meanwhile, Melody, student of Stella Duce I Yogyakarta, got the medal in the category Life Science for her scientific work on the use of squid’s eyes to protect the skin from dangerous Ultra Violet. “I made a sun block that can be made simply by the fishermen so that fishermen can avoid skin cancer,” Melody Grace explained her research. In addition with those achievements, M Arifin Dobson (SMAN 3 Bandung) also contributed one silver medal in the category of Applied Physics through research, EcoSol Solar Thermal Collector – Sun Harvester. And bronze medals were achieved by Avip N Yulian (SMA 2 Kudus), in the Applied Physics category for Ocean Waves Energy to Generate Electrical Power in an Island with Steep Cliff Coast and Putu Handre K Utama (SMA Bali Mandara) in the Mathematics category for Mathematics and Statistics to Prove the Mythology of Caka Calendar. Not only that, Indonesia also got 3 Special Awards, such as Special Awards for Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics, Special Awards for The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenters in Environmental Science and Special Awards for Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science. These special awards were achieved by Yassironi M from SMAN 1 Yogyakarta with Analysis of Force Increase at Fluid Flow Based on Bernoulli Principle (Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics), Stephanie Salim from Chandra Kusuma School with Banana Peel: Isn’t A Waste, It Can Be Served on Your Dining Table (The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenter in Environmental Science) and Jaler S Maji from SMAN 6 Yogyakarta with Visualization of Children Traditional Game (Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science). Eventhough the President of Local Organizing Committee of ICYS 2013, Monika Raharti who previously targeted a clean sweep of gold medals, still proud of Indonesian young scientists despite only won two gold medals. “We should be proud, this year the competition is quite tough, many good presentations of scientific work from other countries,” Monika explained. Toughest rival of Indonesia in this event came from the Polish, German, Russian and some other Eastern European countries. After Indonesia successfully hosted International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) 2013, this annual international competition on science will be held again next year in Ukraine. Congratulation, young scientists! (AY –,, feature image: Surya Institute,

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia
Mariska Grace and Melody Grace Natalie, Indonesia’s young scientists just won a gold medal each in the International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) in Sanur, Denpasar, on Saturday (20/04/2013). Furthermore, Indonesia also won the silver medal through M Arifin Dobson, and bronze medals by Avip N Yulian and Putu Handre K Utama. These gold achievements came after Mariska’s scientific work entitled A Novel Approach in Using Peanut Shells to Eliminate Content in Water and Natalie’s on The Potential of Squid Eye Lenses as UV Absorber. Mariska Grace, student of SMAK Cita Hati, won in the Environmental Science category after her work that uses peanut shells to reduce the levels of copper ions in the water. Meanwhile, Melody, student of Stella Duce I Yogyakarta, got the medal in the category Life Science for her scientific work on the use of squid’s eyes to protect the skin from dangerous Ultra Violet. “I made a sun block that can be made simply by the fishermen so that fishermen can avoid skin cancer,” Melody Grace explained her research. In addition with those achievements, M Arifin Dobson (SMAN 3 Bandung) also contributed one silver medal in the category of Applied Physics through research, EcoSol Solar Thermal Collector – Sun Harvester. And bronze medals were achieved by Avip N Yulian (SMA 2 Kudus), in the Applied Physics category for Ocean Waves Energy to Generate Electrical Power in an Island with Steep Cliff Coast and Putu Handre K Utama (SMA Bali Mandara) in the Mathematics category for Mathematics and Statistics to Prove the Mythology of Caka Calendar. Not only that, Indonesia also got 3 Special Awards, such as Special Awards for Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics, Special Awards for The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenters in Environmental Science and Special Awards for Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science. These special awards were achieved by Yassironi M from SMAN 1 Yogyakarta with Analysis of Force Increase at Fluid Flow Based on Bernoulli Principle (Global Serious Thinking in Theoretical Physics), Stephanie Salim from Chandra Kusuma School with Banana Peel: Isn’t A Waste, It Can Be Served on Your Dining Table (The Youngest Most Enthusiastic Presenter in Environmental Science) and Jaler S Maji from SMAN 6 Yogyakarta with Visualization of Children Traditional Game (Reviving Traditional Values in Computer Science). Eventhough the President of Local Organizing Committee of ICYS 2013, Monika Raharti who previously targeted a clean sweep of gold medals, still proud of Indonesian young scientists despite only won two gold medals. “We should be proud, this year the competition is quite tough, many good presentations of scientific work from other countries,” Monika explained. Toughest rival of Indonesia in this event came from the Polish, German, Russian and some other Eastern European countries. After Indonesia successfully hosted International Conference of Youth Scientist (ICYS) 2013, this annual international competition on science will be held again next year in Ukraine. Congratulation, young scientists! (AY –,, feature image: Surya Institute,

Read More at, Written by Yuanita Amarien, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia

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